石渠寶岌三編(御書房),第七冊,頁3229&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁273-281&* 葉欣活動於清順治、康熙年間,字榮木,華亭(今上海)人,一作江蘇無錫人。流寓金陵(今南京),為金陵八家之一。山水學宋趙令穰,復參以明姚允在。本幅夕陽返照,晚紅正籠罩著群山,畫家為點醒這一片枯寂蕭條的幽境,用對比的石綠和赭石顏色來相襯托。設色之法則,雖至為平常,然輕重之間,把握正確,鮮明中自有一份調和。尺幅之內,山峰岩石突出於上,松樹隱於下,布局別緻。畫中幽人,樵徑相逢,把臂言心。見之使人如入秋山,回首人境,感受脫盡塵氛。&* Yeh Hsin (style name Jung-mu) was a native of Shanghai, though he is sometimes said to be from Wu-hsi. He lived in Nanking and was one of the “Eight Masters of Nanking.” He studied the landscape style of the Sung artist Chao Ling-jang and the Ming artist Yao Yün-tsai. Yeh Hsin has depicted a desolate, lonely landscape bathed in the reddish glow of a setting sun. Though the use of malachite and umber can be considered a common occurrence, Yeh Hsin has created a masterful, harmonious painting through contrasts of mineral colors of varying intensities. In this scene of mountains and pines, two scholar-hermits meet and chat with each other, touching each other’s arms in a warm gesture. Through this vignette of an autumn landscape, Yeh Hsin has transported the viewer into a different realm where one has left behind the worries and annoyances of a common existence.