石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁733&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁189&*畫外族朝貢者一人,手牽山羊。人物卷髮戴頭箍,深目隆鼻虯髯,衣服貼身,隱約可見壯碩的肌肉,腰佩短劍,側身而立。山羊角修長,形狀奇特。人物與羊的造型與院藏傳閻立本「職貢圖」卷相似,同樣是描繪唐代外族入貢的題材。選自「集古圖繪冊」。 畫無作者名款,據幅前宋徽宗(一說金章宗)題簽為周昉。周昉(活動於八世紀),長安人,貴族出身,善人物畫。 &*This work represents an emissary bringing an ibex as tribute to the Chinese court. The way his hair is worn, his features, and facial hair as well as his muscular body and dagger worn at the waist reveal his foreign origins. The ibex is distinguished by its long, curving horns. The figure and ibex are similar those depicted in a handscroll entitled Tribute Bearers in the Museum collection attributed to Yen Li-pen. That work also shows foreigners bringing tribute to the T'ang court. This leaf is from Album of Collected Ancient Paintings. Bearing neither seal nor signature of the artist, this work reportedly once had a title by Hui-tsung (or Chang-tsung) attributing it to Chou Fang, a native of Ch'ang-an who excelled at figure painting.