石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁856&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁175-176&* 曹有光(十七世紀後半葉),吳縣(江蘇蘇州人),寄寓西湖。字子夜,又字西畸,康熙三年(一六六四)進士。善書、工畫,有名於時。 本幅繪坡陀上,湖石挺立,石竹、野卉參差於後。湖石迨以墨筆出之,花卉則敷染生動,與泥金紙相互輝映,倍覺富麗中不失秀雅之氣。 &* Ts’ao Yu-kuang was a native of Suchou, Kiangsu, though he lived for a period on West Lake, Hangchou. He received his chih-shih degree in 1664. He was well-known in his time for his skill in calligraphy and painting. A lake rock stands upright on a slope. Carnations and wild grasses grow behind. The rock is painted with monochrome ink, and the flowers and grass move in subtle colors, all painted on gold-speckled paper that adds a rich adornment to the elegance of the scene.