石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁539&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁5&*董其昌(西元一五五五-一六三六年),字玄宰,號思白,江蘇華亭人。萬曆十七年(一五八九)進士,官至禮部尚書,諡文敏。天才雋逸,善書畫,富收藏,尤精鑑賞。臨摹書蹟,至忘寢食。行楷之妙,稱絕一代。 本卷書於崇禎九年(一六三六),董氏時年八十二歲。該年八月書畢此卷後,未及一月,即辭世。此卷臨北宋四大家之書,細審筆墨或有出入,然於四家之氣韻均能神會。其中臨米芾揚清歌反覆兩遍,卻筆筆不同,賦米書以雅淡之神韻。&*Tung Ch'i-ch'ang (1555-1636) was a native of Hua-t'ing, Kiangsu province. His style name was Hsüan-tsai and he was known by the sobriquet Ssu-pai. He obtained the chin-shih degree in 1589 and went on to become the Minister of the Ministry of Rites. He was given the posthumous title Wen-min. Tung was exceptionally talented and accomplished as a calligrapher and painter; he was also a collector and an outstanding connoisseur. He frequently made free-copies and copies of old calligraphic works to the point that he would forget to eat or sleep. His ingenious semi-cursive and standard scripts were considered the best of his time. This scroll was written in 1636, when Tung Ch'i-ch'ang was eighty-two sui. Not one month after he completed this work in August of that year, Tung passed away. This scroll contains free-copies of calligraphy by the Four Masters of the Northern Sung Dynasty. If meticulously examined, one finds that Tung's brushwork and use of ink reveals inconsistencies with the originals, but he has retained the spirit of each Master. Among the copied works is Mi Fu's Ch'ang-ch'ing-ko written twice, but each brushstroke is different. Here Tung is particularly adept at blending in the charm of Mi's calligraphy.