石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁933&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁2&*此幅手卷託名為宋黃庭堅(一O四五~一一O五)所書,原作者可能為黃庭堅的追隨者,仰慕黃氏其人以及詩文書法上的造詣,於是揣摩黃庭堅行書瘦硬的特質,寫來結字微見上下伸展,時或拖長筆勢,剛健的氣勢十足。〈高松賦〉一文為梁沈約之作,詠嘆松樹頂天立地,飽經風霜猶然鬱鬱葱葱。其內容寓意深遠,可視為歌詠大自然而作,亦可視為比興之文,隱喻堅貞的人格。(20110407)&* This handscroll is attributed to the Northern Song master Huang Tingjian, but the actual writer is perhaps a follower who admired Huang’s moral character and achievements in poetry and calligraphy. In doing so, the artist fathomed many aspects of the thin, hard manner of Huang’s style, the characters slightly revealing the elongated vertical features of his calligraphy. Also at times it shows drawn out brush force, giving the calligraphy much vigor. “Ode on a Lofty Pine” was written by Shen Yue of the Liang dynasty, admiring the status of the pine, weather-beaten but still verdant. The contents have a profound moral message and perhaps sing the praise of Nature, also being considered a metaphor for chaste and virtuous character.(20110407)