石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁540&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁2&*此冊有黃庭堅(1045-1105)款,且云「倣懷素筆意」所書,透露出懷素草書千字文對後世的影響力。不過此作在結字與用筆上,都與黃庭堅關係不大,反而與明代書家張弼(1425-1487)風格接近。全作草法精熟,寫來一氣呵成,隨著書寫節奏而變化字體大小,其間更穿插誇張的結字與用筆,整體線條圓轉靈動,為託名偽作中之質佳者。&* These album leaves bear the signature of Huang Tingjian and mention being written “in imitation of Huaisu’s brush manner,” revealing the influence on later generations of Huaisu’s “Thousand Character Classic” in cursive script. However, this work in terms of character form and brushwork is somewhat unrelated to Huang Tingjian, being closer instead to the style of the Ming dynasty calligrapher Zhang Bi (1425-1487). The cursive script throughout this work is adept, as if written in a single sitting, and the size of the characters varies with the rhythm of the writing. Interspersed here are exaggerated character forms and brushwork. Overall, the lines are curving and spirited, making this an excellent work among spurious attributions to old masters.