石渠寶笈三編(延春閣)&* 此卷為定武一系的舊拓,字蹟較瘦硬, 後附有趙孟頫(西元一二五四-一三二 二年)臨寫〈蘭亭敘〉墨蹟。趙氏一 生 致力復興王羲之書法,至大三年(一三 一○)得定武蘭亭拓本後,於書學多有 心得體會,於是書跋記於卷尾,即所謂 的〈蘭亭十三跋〉。本幅墨蹟的筆力與 趙孟頫有差異,應是後人仿作。趙孟頫, 宋宗室。字子昂,號松雪道人。詩文書畫 俱精,倡導復古,對後代有深遠的影響。 (20110710)&* This is an old rubbing in the Dingwu series of Wang Xizhi’s famous Orchid Pavilion Preface. The characters are leaner and stiffer, and at the end is an ink version of the Preface by Zhao Mengfu (1254-1322). Zhao strived in his life to promote Wang Xizhi’s calligraphy, and his own study was inspired after acquiring a Dingwu rubbing of Wang’s Preface. Thus, at the end of the scroll are many of his inscriptions, the so-called “13 Colophons on the Orchid Pavilion.” The ink version here, however, has weaker brushwork than seen in Zhao’s style, suggesting an imitation by a later hand. Zhao Mengfu, a member of the Song imperial clan, was gifted at poetry, painting, and calligraphy. He advocated revivalism, having a major impact on later generations.(20110710)