牛海綿狀腦病 瘦肉精萊克多巴胺(或稱培林)及鹽酸鹽酸克倫特羅 自美國在臺協會所代表機關之領域進口供人食用之牛肉與牛肉製品關於牛海綿狀腦病相關措施議定書 條約 國內法 法律效力 「牛海綿狀腦病」簡稱「狂牛病」 食品安全 Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy BSE Ractopamine Hydroc hloridea and Clenbuterol Protocol of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)-Related Measures for the Importation of Beef and Beef Products for Human Consumption from the Territory of the Authorities Represented by the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) of October 22, 2009 Treaty Municipal Law Legal Effect Food Safety