Tombstone of 陳 (CHEN2) family at Taiwan, Gaoxiongxian, Meinongzhen, north of village, foot of mountains. The tombstone-ID is 3324; 台灣,高雄縣,美濃鎮,北方,山腳,陳姓之墓碑。
writing direction書寫方向:top to bottom, right to left; 由上到下,由右到左
The tomb is located in Taiwan, Gaoxiongxian, Meinongzhen, north of village, foot of mountains. The characters of this tombstone are carved, and they are painted some in gold and some in red, . The tombstone is top round. The elements on this tombstone are (person)(generation)(date)(erected by). The symmetric top-part of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here is (generation). ; 這是一個在台灣,高雄縣,美濃鎮,北方,山腳發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字都是直接鑿刻上去的, 而後塗上金色和紅色。這個墓碑的上方是圓弧形。這個墓碑上所紀載的訊息包括「人」、「generation」、「日期」、「立」。墓碑上方左右對稱的部份是訊息的「焦點」。這個墓碑的焦點是「家中的世代別」。