Ann Meifang Lin, Oliver Streiter, Yoann Goudin; 林美芳, 奧利華, 顧友友
type種類:full tomb; 全墓
family name姓名:李(LI3)
gender性別:couple; 合葬
writing direction書寫方向:top to bottom, right to left; 由上到下,由右到左
The tomb is located in Taiwan, Yilanxian, Su-ao, behind police station on Highway 2. The characters of this tombstone are carved, . The tombstone is rectangular. , The elements on this tombstone are (person)(location)(date)(erected by). The symmetric top-part of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here is (location). ; 這是一個在台灣,宜蘭縣,蘇澳,國道2號警察局後方發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字都是直接鑿刻上去的。這個墓碑的形狀是四邊形。這個墓碑上所紀載的訊息包括「人」、「地域」、「日期」、「立」。墓碑上方左右對稱的部份是訊息的「焦點」。這個墓碑的焦點是「地域」。