Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Jiayixian, Dongshixiang, Haipucun, east of Highway 17, west of Haipucun. The tombstone-ID is 9677. ; 台灣,嘉義縣,東石鄉,海埔村,台17號以東,海埔村西邊,無名氏之墓碑
The tomb is located in Taiwan, Jiayixian, Dongshixiang, Haipucun, east of Highway 17, west of Haipucun. The characters of this tombstone are carved, . The tombstone is a brick; 這是一個在台灣,嘉義縣,東石鄉,海埔村,台17號以東,海埔村西邊發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字都是直接鑿刻上去的。這個墓碑是一塊磚塊。