簡介:"礦物硫化物及硫鹽硫鎘礦Greenockite Sulfides and SulfosaltsGreenockite consists of cadmium and sulfur. Sometime, zinc replaces cadmium, and forms a solid solution series. The mineral with more cadmium is greenockite, and the one with more zinc is wurtzite, dimorphous with hawleyite. Greenockite fluoresces orange yellow under ultraviolet light if it contains a minor amount of zinc. Cadmium minerals are rare, the best-known of which is mineral greenockite. However, greenockite reserves are not common in the world and scanty in production. Mineral greenockite is a source of cadmium, and oftentimes associated with sphalerite.主要由鎘和硫所組成,有時鋅會取代鎘的位置,而形成一固溶體系列,含鎘多者,是為硫鎘礦,含鋅多者,稱之為纖鋅礦(Wurtzite)。與方硫鎘礦(Hawleyite)為同質異形體。 硫鎘礦若含有微量鋅成分時,在紫外線照射下,會產生鮮豔的橙黃色螢光。 含鎘的礦物很少,硫鎘礦是比較常見的一種,不過全球的產地很少,產量也不多。硫鎘礦為提煉鎘的一種來源,常與閃鋅礦密切共生。"