簡介:"MammalsFormosan greater horseshoe bathorseshoe bat蹄鼻蝠科大蹄鼻蝠The Formosan greater horseshoe bat is one of the two species of horseshoe bats endemic to Taiwan. As their name implies, they are larger in size and their weight is about three times that of the Formosan lesser horseshoe bat. Horseshoe bats have a specially adapted nose and ears, particularly the nose, which is specialized into a horseshoe shape and has many folds and protuberances. These specialized types of features make them look scary, but actually they are harmless to people. They are nocturnal and feed on insects. They often inhabit rock caves, occasionally in buildings, tunnels or tree holes. They often choose habitats adjacent to forests. They are seldom found in Taiwan, usually flying around solitarily or at rest. Habitat: They are found in Yangming mountain, Taipei City; Guansi, Hsinchu County; Wushihkeng and Wulin, Taichung County; Beigang River of Puli Township, Shengmu Forest Road, Junda Forest Road and Cuei Peak in Nantou County; Kending, Pingtung County; Tiansiang and Taroko, Hualien County; Yuedong and Taimali basin in Taidong County.台灣大蹄鼻蝠是台灣兩種蹄鼻蝠之一,顧名思義本種體型較大,體重約為另一種小蹄鼻蝠的3倍大。蹄鼻蝠的鼻部及耳朵都有型態特化現象,其中又以鼻部的特化為馬蹄型,並有許多膜辦及突起最為著稱。這些特化型態讓蹄鼻蝠的外型看來嚇人,實際上卻是對人完全無害。本種為夜行性,以昆蟲為食。常見的棲息處為岩洞,人工建築物、隧道或樹洞中偶爾可見;棲地附近的植被多森林。各地發現數量均少,常呈單隻活動或棲息。 棲地分布:目前發現地點包括:台北市陽明山,新竹縣關西,台中縣烏石坑和武陵,南投縣埔里北港溪、神木林道、郡大林道和翠峰,屏東縣墾丁,花蓮縣天祥和太魯閣,台東縣月洞和太麻里溪域。"