簡介:"MammalsFormosan Field VoleMuridae鼠科台灣森鼠The Formosan field mouse is a small-sized mouse with dark brown fur. They have a big head, big eyes and ears, and look very cute. They can leap to avoid enemy attacks when necessary. They are a major mouse species in Taiwan's mountain forests at mid-to-high altitudes. In addition to primary forests, they inhabit secondary forests, artificial forests, and even human dwelling. They are well adapted to a wide variety of environment, including places people frequent. Therefore, if you go to forest recreation areas in high mountains and find there are some mice partying, there's a great chance that they belong to this species. Habitat: Formosan field mice are often found in Taiwan's mountain forests at mid-to-high altitudes. They prefer forests in which there are thick layers of leaf litter and many dead branches and wood. They are not particularly afraid of human. Sometimes they can even be found hiding in leaf litter in dry ditches beside mountain roads.台灣森鼠屬於小型鼠種,一身黑褐色毛,頭大耳大眼睛也大,模樣十分可愛,必要時能以彈跳方式避敵,是台灣中高海拔森林中的主要鼠種,除了原生林之外,對於次生林,人造林,甚至一些人造設施,都適應的很好,並不忌避人類活動頻繁地點.所以到高山的森林遊樂區過夜,若巧遇老鼠開運動會,很可能就是牠. 棲地分布:常見於全台中高海拔山區森林地帶,喜歡棲息在林下地表落葉較厚且有較多枯枝倒木的地方.平日出沒活動不特別懼人,一些山路旁的乾溝渠落葉堆中也找得到牠藏身其中."