簡介:"大村鯨角島鯨Omura's whaleBalaenoptera omurai一度曾譯為角島鯨,現在改稱大村鯨。已知的分布海域為西太平洋地區,標本來自日本、台灣、菲律賓、澳洲與所羅門群島。模式標本產地為日本山口縣的角島。它的種名omurai 就是日文「大村」,是為了紀念一位日本的鯨豚學者Hideo Omura 大村秀雄。台灣的大村鯨標本,目前多數保存於本館。大村鯨角島鯨Omura's whaleBalaenoptera omuraiIntroductionOnce known as the Tsunoshima whale, this species of rorqual has since been renamed as Omura's whale. Its known range of distribution is in the Western Pacific region, and specimens have been collected from Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Australia and the Solomon Islands. The holotype specimen came from Tsunoshima Island of Japan's Yamaguchi Prefecture. This whale species, “ omurai ”, was named after Hideo Omura, a famous Japanese cetologist . Most of the specimens of Omura's whale found around Taiwan area are kept at the NMNS. "