簡介:"BirdsVaried Tit山雀科赤腹山雀The Varied Tit inhabits broad-leaved forests between 500~2000m above sea level. The populations are relatively small and usually active among leaves and branches. No observations of the Varied Tit's breeding activities have been recorded in Taiwan. During the breeding season、it mainly feeds on insects and spiders.BirdsVaried Tit山雀科赤腹山雀簡介: 赤腹山雀主要棲於海拔500~2000公尺間闊葉林中,族群數量並不普遍,牠多於樹葉和細枝間活動。赤腹山雀在臺灣的繁殖,迄未有觀察記錄。 繁殖期以昆蟲、蜘蛛等為主食。"