簡介:"竹雞 簡介: 竹雞是台灣特有亞種鳥類,普遍分佈於全島各地從平地到海拔2300公尺的森林區,皆可聽到其鳴叫聲,常在乾燥的草叢 灌木叢,竹林或森林底層覓食,以草種子、果實、嫩葉及昆蟲為食物,繁殖於3月至8月間。 BirdsTaiwan Hill Partridge雉科竹雞The Taiwan Hill Partridge is a bird species endemic to Taiwan. Its range covers all of Taiwan and its call can be heard in forests on the plains to 2300m above sea level. It often feeds on seeds, fruits, tender leaves and insects among dry thickets, bamboo groves and the bottom layer of forests. The breeding season is between March and August."