簡介:"簡介鳳頭蒼鷹Accipiter trivirgatus formosae簡介: 鳳頭蒼鷹是台灣特有亞種鳥類,棲息於海拔200~1200公尺之樹上,在台灣各山麓帶均有機會看到其在高空翱翔,以鼠類、小鳥、蜥蜴、蚱蜢等為主要食物。在臺灣繁殖期為4~6月,每窩產1~2枚蛋,為淡乳黃土色,無污斑。 BirdsCrested Goshawk鷹科鳳頭蒼鷹The Crested Goshawk is a bird species endemic to Taiwan. It inhabits trees between 200~1200m above sea level and is often observed gliding in the skies above the mountain ranges in Taiwan. Its diet consists mainly of rodents, small birds, lizards and grasshoppers. In Taiwan, the breeding season is between April and June. 1~2 pale cream yellowish-earth colored eggs with no smudges are laid per nest."