簡介:Taiwan YuhinaIntroductionThe Taiwan Yuhina is endemic to Taiwan. It is found in mountainous areas at 1000 to 3000 meters. It is generally active in the middle and upper levels of broadleaf forest and mixed broadleaf and conifer forest, often leaping from branch to branch. Its food is mainly nectar, fruits and insects. Its characteristic features are a spiky crested crown on the top of the head and a curved black line that extends from the base of the bill to the neck.冠羽畫眉畫眉亞科 冠羽畫眉為台灣特有種,普遍分布於海拔1000公尺至3000公尺之山區,棲息環境以闊葉林及針闊葉混合林的中、上層為主。常在枝葉間飛躍,並啄食花蜜、果實及昆蟲。特徵是頭頂上高聳的羽冠及從嘴基部延伸至頸側的黑色弧線。