種命名者:(M. Zang & C.H. Su) Sheng H. Wu, Z.H. Yu, Y.C. Dai & C.H. Su
簡介:"Taiwanofungus camphoratusIntroductionKnown as “Niu-Chang-Chih” or “Chang-Chih” or Niu-Chang-Gu” in Taiwan , the Taiwanofungus camphorates is an endemic fungal species in Taiwan . The fruiting body of this fungus starts flattened, grows close to the tree stem. The leading edge of the fruiting body will slightly curve upward and outward from the tree stem. The hymenial surface that produces the basidiospres are colored in salmon-red, porous, and the surface is colored brownish-black; the context is rigid, has camphor odor, and tastes bitter. The fruiting body grows from the interior of the hollowed tree trunk of the Cinnamomum kanehirai Hay, an endemic tree in Taiwan , displaying its fondness of dark and damp environment. It is not yet known whether the hollowed trunk of this tree was caused by the rotting or decomposition by other fungus to pave way for the subsequent growth of T. camphorates. This fungus grows extremely slowly on sawdust, sometimes with no fruiting bodies at all. Therefore it is hard to artificially cultivate this species. It is possible to grow this fungus in liquid medium for consumption, but it depends on the hyphae having the same nutritional components as the mature fruiting body. This species is endemic to Taiwan ; it is a brown rotting type fungus found in old and hollowed trunks of Cinnamomum kanehirai Hay trees. It is expensive due to its rarity and incapable of being artificially cultivated. It is reported to have medicinal properties that alleviate abdominal pain, activates central neural system, and may have hypnotic effects. There have been tests performed to treat liver and endometrial cancers. The base name of the Chang-Chih was Ganoderma comphoratum M. Zang & C.H. Su: The holotype specimen was contaminated with Ganoderma spores, hence it was erroneously identified as one of the Ganoderma fungus. After re-classification, the name was changed to Taiwanofungus camphoratus (M. Zang & C.H. Su) Sheng H. Wu, Z.H. Yu, Y.C. Dai & C.H. Su as its new scientific nomenclature. 牛樟芝牛樟芝又稱樟芝或牛樟菇。樟芝是臺灣特有種真菌。樟芝的子實體初為扁平型,貼生於樹幹表面,之後子實體生長前緣部會略捲離樹幹翹起。樟芝產生擔孢子的子實層表面為漂亮的鮭魚紅色,呈孔狀,背面為黑褐色。樟芝質硬,帶有牛樟的香味,嚐之,味極苦。樟芝子實體於牛樟樹幹的中空內部長出,顯示它可能較喜愛幽暗的生長環境。此樹幹的中空是由樟芝的腐朽而造成的,或有其他真菌先分解樹木形成特定的環境以利隨後的樟芝生長,則尚未可知。樟芝菌在木屑上生長極緩慢甚至停滯,更遑論其子實體之長出。另一可能性是採用液態進行菌絲培養,而食用之,但先決條件是如此所形成的菌絲亦需同樣具有樟芝子實體良好的成份。本種為台灣特有種,子實體僅發現於老齡牛樟芝中空樹幹之內面,為褐腐型真菌。尚無法以人工栽培子實體成功,價格昂貴。具有治療腹痛、活化中樞神經、安眠等作用,亦有用於嚐試治療肝癌及子宮癌。樟芝的基名是Ganoderma comphoratum M. Zang & C.H. Su,乃因模式標本沾染了靈芝孢子而被誤發表為靈芝屬(Ganoderma)的成員。經重新鑑定後學名改為Taiwanofungus camphoratus (M. Zang & C.H. Su) Sheng H. Wu, Z.H. Yu, Y.C. Dai & C.H. Su,稱為新組合名。民間的稱呼尚有樟菇、樟內菇、牛樟菇、紅樟等,是台灣特有種的菇類。"