簡介:"Bubalus teilhardiIntroductionThe Bubalus teilhardi Young 1932 was an early water buffalo published jointly by the French geologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Mr. Chung-Chien Young in 1932, and was named after Mr. Teihard de Chardin in the paper to commemorate his contribution to the study of vertebrate paleontology in China . The Bubalus teilhardi was first discovered in site 1 at Beijing 's Zhoukoudian cave system, and subsequently at site 13. For nearly 20 years there have been records of fishermen retrieving mammalian fossils in the waters near the Penghu Islands of Taiwan and Zhousan Islands in Zhejiang Province , China . Many of them were fossils from the Bubalus teilhardi . Paleontologists hypothesized that these buffalos once lived near Zhoukoudian and the Huaihe River regions. During Pleistocene Period, the sea level decreases, and Taiwan was once connected to the south eastern shores of China . This resulting “land bridge” may have allowed these buffalos to migrate southward to Taiwan . 德氏水牛是在1932年於楊鍾健和法國地質學家德日進的論文中所發表,以德氏之名乃是為彰顯德日進先生對中國古脊椎動物學研究的卓越貢獻。德氏水牛最早是在北京周口店第一地點所發現,後來在周口店第十三地點也有被發現的紀錄。 而在近二十年來,大陸浙江舟山群島及台灣澎湖群島海域附近,不斷地有漁民在這裡撈獲不少的哺乳動物化石,其中也有為數不少的德氏水牛化石標本。根據古生物學家的推測,德氏水牛原來是生活在北京周口店及淮河流域一帶。而在更新世時期,因海平面下降,使得當時的台灣與大陸東南沿海一度相連,使得其可以經由「陸橋」,而逐漸往南遷移。"