簡介:隆鳥亦稱象鳥,是一種原生存於非洲馬達加斯加島的平胸鳥類,在西元1660年左右滅絕。隆鳥成體約3公尺高,體重可達半噸,是已知最重的鳥類。隆鳥蛋的容積亦達7.5公升以上,甚至比一些大型恐龍的蛋還大。Elephant birdIntroductionAlso known as the “Elephant Bird,” Aepyornis is a genus of aepyornithid that is endemic to the island of Madagascar in Africa . It was extinct in around 1660 A .D. The adult Aepyornis can grow to about 3 meters high, and weighs as much as half ton; it is the largest bird species known to man. The eggs of these extinct birds can hold as much as 7.5 liters or more, which is larger than some of the largest known dinosaur eggs.