簡介:"台灣附近海域屬於船蛸科的章魚目前記錄到兩種,其中─扁船蛸Argonauta argo是現生船蛸中最大型的,雌性的外套膜長度則可達12公分左右,體殼直徑約為25~45公分,大而扁,顏色乳白且稍呈半透明狀,僅殼緣尖銳的疣突上呈黑褐色,殼表上的放射肋細而密,數量可達50條,每條放射肋與一個疣突相連,有些肋呈分叉狀。雄體不具外殼,體型很小,全長僅及雌體的二十分之一,小於2公分。 扁船蛸分布於世界熱帶與亞熱帶的海洋。近年來,扁船蛸傾向集中在特定的季節接近台灣北部與東北部近海,如2007年於北海岸的三芝附近海邊,連續多天有為數不少的扁船蛸靠岸擱淺,造成貝友們爭相走告前往採集。除此之外,澎湖地區與屏東縣小琉球海域也有扁船蛸的出沒紀錄。 船蛸是雌、雄異型極為明顯的頭足類,雌船蛸的體型遠大於雄船蛸。僅有雌性船蛸會造殼,體殼薄而脆,由鈣質所構成,主要是由雌船蛸兩隻特化背腕上的造殼腺所分泌製造,具有防禦及孵育室的雙重功能;體殼的內部只有一個大腔室,並不像鸚鵡螺具有很多的腔壁格成許多小腔室,體殼頂部常會積蓄少許空氣,對其浮力有所幫助。 雌船蛸在海中,會用背腕上特化的兩片極具伸縮性的薄膜包覆住體殼漂游,外套腔躲藏在體殼內。雄性的船蛸右邊的第三隻腕會特化成「蠕蟲狀」的生殖肢~「莖化腕」,並被包裹在一個囊狀的構造當中,交配時生殖肢會破囊而出,並自割留在雌船蛸的身上。同一隻雌船蛸可同時接收來自不同雄性的生殖肢,生殖肢離體之後,可以存活一段時間,不會馬上死亡。 船蛸的運動主要依靠漏斗口的噴水推進,其漏斗口可靈活地轉換方向,所以牠們可以輕易地改變方向。有許多野外的潛水觀察記錄到,船蛸會有成群排列游動的行為,有的會排成彎曲的列狀,有的則會一隻拉著一隻,五、六隻連成一串游動。 船蛸在海中游動時,包覆體殼的兩片背腕的皮膜,會顯現出融合於環境的顏色,背面呈水藍色,腹面呈銀白色;遇到驚嚇時,則會變為強烈的紅色。牠們是屬於夜行性的動物,在夜間較為活躍。船蛸的活動與暖流水系的消長有密切的相關,暖流強勁時,牠們會成群接近岸邊。 扁船蛸IntroductionArgonauta argThere have been two species of mollusks from the Argonautidae family recorded in the ocean near Taiwan. One of them, the Argonauta argo , or Greater argonaut, is the largest of all argonauts. The mantle of female can reach as long as 12 cm , and the shell has a diameter between 25 and 45 cm , large and thin, colored in creamy white and slightly translucent. The tubercules on the edge of the shell appear brownish black; the ribs are thin and radial, their numbers can be as high as 50; each rib is connected to a tubercule. Some ribs appear branched at the tips. The males do not have shells and are generally smaller in size, about 1/20 th of a females size ( The argonauts are distributed in the tropical and subtropical oceans of the world. In recent years , these octopuses have been recorded to drift near the coasts of northern and north eastern Taiwan, such as documented in 2007 off the Northern Coast in Sanchih. For days numerous argonauts were stranded on the beach, amassing a huge gathering of sea shell aficionados to collect them. In addition, these octopuses have been sighted in the waters around Pingtung County's Siao Liouciou Island and Penghu areas. The Greater Argonaut is a cephalopod with clear display of sexual dimorphism. The females are larger in sizes than males, and only females construct shells . The shells are thin and brittle and are composed of calcite. It is secreted by the glands on the tips of the female's two specialized dorsal arms , and doubles as a hatching chamber and defense for the eggs. There is only one large cavity inside the shell, unlike the nautilus which has numerous chambers. The top of the shell retains some air which may aid its buoyancy. The female argonauts drift in the ocean by covering its shell with two sheets of elastic thin membranes expanding from their two specialized dorsal arms . They hide their mantles inside the case. The 3 rd arms on the right sides of male argonauts will develop into a worm-like hectocotylus, specialized sexual appendages that detach and cling onto the female argonauts after sexual reproductions. They are stored in a cyst like structure and protrudes from the cyst during sexual reproduction. One female argonaut can accept hectocotylus from different males; these appendages will survive for a while after detachment. The argonaut maneuvers its motion by expelling water from its siphon, and can manipulate the siphon to change its direction. Field diving records have shown that these octopuses may swim in packs; some may arrange in a curved formation, others may pull one another, with 5-6 argonauts in a row as a whole. During free roaming, the membranes sheathing the egg cases will display camouflage reflecting the color of the surroundings . The dorsal side may appear blue, while the ventral may appear silver white; when startled, they may change to an intense red. As a nocturnal organism, the argonaut is more active during night times. The activities of argonauts are related to the intensity of warm currents; when the currents are stronger, they will move closer to shores in packs"