簡介:日行性,以昆蟲及其他小型無脊椎動物為食,卵生,一窩可產下1-3顆蛋,喜於樹林邊緣及墾地活動,具攀爬之能力,除地面外亦常見其爬至樹上或水泥牆等較高處,在一些道路旁的排水管中也常會被利用做休息及產卵之處,尾巴極易自割。本種蜥蝪有護幼行為。Long-tailed SkinkIntroduction This species is diurnal and feeds on insects and small invertebrates; it is oviparous and usually produces 1 to 3 eggs per nest. It can be found in edges of woods and on cultivated fields, and is fond of climbing to higher items such as trees and concrete walls. They can also be found resting and nesting in road side drainage pipes. This species practices autotomy and protects its offspring.