簡介:"動物昆蟲蝴蝶蝶蛺蝶串珠環蝶串珠環紋蝶Faunis eumeus (Drury, 1773) 串珠環蝶 Faunis eumeus (Drury, 1773) Faunis eumeus (Drury, 1773) 串珠環蝶,又稱串珠環紋蝶。 中型蝶種,前翅長約33-39mm。翅底為黑褐色,前翅背面自前緣至翅中央具有澄黃色斑。翅背面在前、後翅翅中央各室內有一白色斑,呈帶狀分布,為此蝶中文名之由來。雄蝶前翅後緣近翅基處向後突出,雌蝶前翅後緣則平直無突出,且雄蝶後翅具有毛簇,可藉由此兩個特徵區別雌雄。 一年多世代物種,除了冬季嚴寒以外均可見成蝶及各蟲期。台灣原本沒有此種分佈,入侵台灣後分布緩慢擴大,目前分布尚侷限於北部台北以北的丘陵地區,如基隆海門天險、月眉山等。台灣以外的分布西至緬甸,東則經泰國、寮國、越南、華西、華南各省。幼蟲寄主植物包括菝契科之平柄菝契及百合科之船子草,另外曾於菝契科之台灣土茯苓、薑科之一種月桃Alpinia sp.及禾本科的芒屬植物Miscanththus sp.發現過幼蟲(林,2002)。成蟲飛行緩慢,喜食腐果。Faunis eumeusIntroduction 串珠環蝶 Faunis eumeus (Drury, 1773) Large Fauns are originally from Myanmar , Indo-China Peninsula , western China , and southern China . They invaded Taiwan in 1997, but their distribution remains restricted to hills in northern Taiwan . According to surveys, this population expansion may have been slowed by parasitic wasps. Large Fauns produce several generations each year and can be found every season except winter. Host plants for larvae include Heterosmilax japonica and Smilax lanceifolia (family Smilacaceae), Molineria capitulate (family Liliaceae), Alpinia spp. (family Zingiberaceae), and Miscanththus spp. (family Poaceae) . Adults are slow-flying and fond of decaying fruit. "