簡介:"Euploea tulliolus koxingaIntroduction 小紫斑蝶 Euploea tulliolus koxinga Fruhstorfer, 1908 A small to medium-sized butterfly, Euploea tulliolus koxinga is the smallest of Taiwan 's Purple Crow species. Its wingspan is about 36 mm. Dorsal forewings and hindwings have one row of white markings on the outer rim. Ventral forewings have a large white mark near the center and two rows of white markings on the outer rim, with the inner row markings larger than those on the outer row. The only white on ventral hindwings is the row of white markings near the top outer rim. Wings of male E. tulliolus koxinga are dark brown with sapphire scales scattered on dorsal sides of forewings. Sex brands are found on the bottom rim of forewings and front rim of hindwings. Their bellies have yellow h air pencils. Wings of female E. tulliolus koxinga are lighter colored. Scales on dorsal sides of forewings are pinkish-purple. Bottom rim of forewings is straighter than that of males. Producing several generations each year, E. tulliolus koxinga a dults appear in lowlands and low-elevation mountains in spring and early summer. In summer and fall, they are easily found in central and southern Taiwan from lowlands to mountains. They are rare in winter, except in the low-elevation mountains of southern and eastern Taiwan . Taiwan is the northernmost boundary of a distribution extending from southern China (provinces Guangdong , Guangxi , Fujian , and Hainan) and Indo-China Peninsula ( Malaysia , Philippines , New Guinea , and Indonesia except Sulawesi) east to New Caledonia in Vanuatu and south to Northeast Australia . 動物昆蟲蝴蝶蝶蛺蝶斑蝶小紫斑蝶埔里紫斑蝶妒麗紫斑蝶Euploea tulliolus koxinga Fruhstorfer, 1908 小紫斑蝶 Euploea tulliolus koxinga Fruhstorfer, 1908 Euploea tulliolus koxinga Fruhstorfer, 1908 小紫斑蝶,又稱埔里紫斑蝶、妒麗紫斑蝶。 中小型蝶類,是台灣產紫斑蝶裡體型最小的一種,前翅長約36mm,整體翅型呈圓弧,白斑以雙列型分布,前翅背面中央無白斑,外緣白斑只有一列,在前翅端部會向內彎至前緣中間;後翅外緣亦只有一列斑斑。前翅腹面中央有一大型白斑,外緣內列白斑較外列大;後翅中央無白斑,外緣上半段只有一排白斑。 雄蝶翅深褐色,前翅背面散佈寶藍色鱗片,後緣突出:後翅前緣有淺色性標。前翅後緣有一性標。腹部具黃色毛筆器。雌蝶翅色較雄蝶淺,前翅背面鱗片偏粉紫色,後緣平直不如雄蝶有突出。 一年多世代種,成蟲於春季及夏初出現在平地及低海拔山區,夏秋兩季在中南部山區至平地皆可見到,冬季則除了東部、南部低海拔山區之外少見。台灣為本種分布之北界,其他分布地區如中國南方之廣東、廣西、福建、海南島,中南半島各國:馬來西亞、印尼(除蘇拉威西沒有紀錄外)及馬來西亞、菲律賓、新幾內亞,萬拿杜的新喀利多尼亞則為分布之東界,南界則為澳洲東北部。 幼蟲寡食性,取食桑科Moraceae之盤龍木Malaisia scandens。成蟲好訪花,在森林邊緣及具有豐富蜜源植物的開闊地常見。有季節移動行為,冬季在東部、南部低海拔山谷中大量聚集。"