簡介:"動物昆蟲蝴蝶蝶鳳眼方環蝶方環蝶Discophora sondaica tulliana Stichel, 1905 鳳眼方環蝶 Discophora sondaica tulliana Stichel, 1905 Discophora sondaica tulliana Stichel, 1905 鳳眼方環蝶,又稱方環蝶。 中大型蛺蝶,前翅長約33-44mm。 本種在台灣原本沒分布,1998年在基隆發現第一隻個體,目前在台灣全年可見成蟲及各蟲期,亦分布全台各地平地至低海拔丘陵地。 幼蟲主要取食禾本科(Poaceae)竹亞科(Bambusoideae)之佛竹Bambusa ventricosa、蓬萊竹B. multiplex、刺竹B. stenostachya、金絲竹B. vulgaris等。成蟲活動時間為黃昏及夜晚,具趨光性。飛行迅速,喜好吸食腐果。Discophora sondaica tullianaIntroduction 鳳眼方環蝶 Discophora sondaica tulliana Stichel, 1905 Originally from India , southern China , and Indo-China Peninsula , the Common Duffer is an introduced species to Taiwan . The first adult in Taiwan was found in 1998 in Jilong County . It has now adapted to Taiwan and is widely distributed from lowlands to low-elevation hills. Adults and larvae in all instars are found year round. Larvae mainly feed on plants from families Poaceae and Bambusoideae, such as Bambusa ventricosa , B. multiplex , B. stenostachya , and B. vulgaris . A fast-flying species, adult Common Duffers are phototrophic. They are active at dawn and dusk when they feed on their favorite food: decaying fruit. "