簡介:"IntroductionDelias pasithoe curasena Fruhstorfer 紅肩粉蝶 Delias pasithoe curasena Fruhstorfer, 1908 Endemic subspecies to Taiwan . The Red-based Jezebel is distributed all over Taiwan 's hills and mountains Delias species with red markings at the base of its ventral hindwings. Larvae are interlaced with reddish-brown and yellow colors with a few long, yellow hairs. Red-based Jezebels produce several generations in a year. Females tend to gather to lay eggs. Larvae feed on plants from family Loranthaceae , such as the Taxillus liquidambaricolus , T. lonicerifolius var. lonicerifolius , T. limprichtii , Scurrula pseudochinensis , and the introduced species Santalum album (family Santalaceae) . Because Red-based Jezebels also like to congregate during immature stages , they are easily infected and killed when temperatures are high by tachina flies or microorganisms. 動物昆蟲鱗翅目蝴蝶蝶粉蝶紅肩粉蝶豔粉蝶藤粉蝶基紅粉蝶報喜斑粉蝶紅肩斑粉蝶茜白蝶Delias pasithoe curasena Fruhstorfer, 1908 紅肩粉蝶 Delias pasithoe curasena Fruhstorfer, 1908 Delias pasithoe curasena Fruhstorfer, 1908 紅肩粉蝶,又名艷粉蝶、基紅粉蝶、紅肩斑粉蝶、茜白蝶、藤粉蝶、報喜斑粉蝶。 台灣所產的艷粉蝶屬(Delias)共有四種,本種是唯一在後翅腹面基部有紅紋的種類,紅、黃、褐三色的搭配非常醒目。紅紋粉蝶(D. hyparete luzonensis C. & R. Felder)的後翅腹面也有類似的三色色澤,但是其紅紋在周緣而非基部,不難分辨。卵黃色,呈砲彈形,表面有細縱走溝脊。幼蟲頭殼黑色,體色則是紅棕色與黃色相間,表面具有稀疏的黃色長毛。蛹為縊蛹。 前翅長約38-42 mm。雄蝶翅背底色為黑色,前、後翅外側有略帶藍色調的灰白斑紋,翅基半部與中室也有類似色澤的斑紋,後翅後緣有鮮黃色斑。翅腹面主色為黃色,基部有紅斑。雌蝶之翅背底色為褐色,灰白斑較不鮮明,而翅腹面則與雄蝶類似。 本種為中型蝶類,分布於全島丘陵至海拔2000公尺以下山區。成蝶飛翔緩慢,常見於林緣吸食花蜜。一年多代,成蝶與各蟲期終年可見。D. pasithoe (L.)被區分為廿餘個亞種,分布範圍幾乎涵蓋整個東方區,分布於台灣的族群是特有亞種。雄蝶有領域行為,而雌蝶則有集中產卵的習性,同一處可產卵十到上百枚。幼蟲亦有聚集性,食草為桑寄生科的大葉桑寄生、忍冬桑寄生、木蘭桑寄生、恆春桑寄生,與引入種的檀香。終齡幼蟲也在同時同地集中化蛹,蛹附著於寄主植物或其寄主植物的寄主枝幹或葉下。由於幼生期的聚集性,在高溫時期常遭寄生蠅寄生或微生物感染而致死 (濱野,1986;李與王,1997;徐,1999;張,1999)。"