簡介:" 黃鳳蝶 Papilio machaon sylvina 翅黃底黑斑,前、後翅邊緣各有一排藍色斑,並在藍斑末端有一紅斑,雌、雄蝶外形相似,但雄蝶色澤較明亮,且藍色帶斑較為狹窄。幼蟲的寄主植物為野當歸、台灣前胡等。雌蝶將卵產於葉背、嫩芽或花蕾,幼蟲孵化後棲息於葉面或花蕾,老熟幼蟲移至莖,化蛹於寄主附近物體上。成蟲主要發生期在 5~9 月間,喜訪花卻少見在溼地吸水,常在空曠草原或山頂附近出沒。分布於中部的中低海拔山區,為台灣特有亞種,另外在歐洲、非洲、亞洲及北美洲也有其他亞種分佈。 IntroductionPapilio machaon sylvinaThe Old World Swallowtail is a common swallowtail species in the temperate zones of the North. Taiwan is the southernmost boundary of its distribution. It is mainly distributed in low to mid-elevations in central Taiwan . Larvae feed on Angelica dahurica , A. biserrata , and Peucedanum formosanum from the family Umbelliferae . Adults emerge from May through September. Since there are no collecting or sighting records for the past ten years, Old World Swallowtails may be extinct or nearly extinct. "