簡介:紅邊黃小灰蝶Heliophorus ila matsumurae翅腹面黃色,外緣為紅色邊,後翅肛角具尾突,翅背面黑褐色,雄蝶前後翅中央為藍紫色,後翅肛角有紅色邊,雌蝶翅背面無藍紫色,前翅有一成紅色長斑,後翅外緣皆為紅色邊。幼蟲寄主為蓼科的火炭母草及羊蹄,雌蝶將卵產於葉背,初齡幼蟲啃食葉肉,2~3齡攝食葉片,4齡取食葉片或花蕾,在寄主葉背或隱蔽處化蛹。成蟲常出現在林緣濕涼處,吸食花蜜、鳥糞或吸水,或在石塊上作日光浴,成蟲5月最多,全台3000公尺以下山區皆可見到。在華南、喜瑪拉雅山區、中南半島、蘇門達臘、爪哇以及婆羅洲亦有亞種分佈。紅邊黃小灰蝶簡介IntroductionHeliophorus ila matsumurae Endemic subspecies to Taiwan . Male Sapphires have sapphire sheen s on center of their dorsal fore wings and red markings on the 肛角 . Females do not have this sapphire sheen, but they have a red, long markings on their forewings and a red edge to their hindwings. Larvae host plants are Chinese Knotweed ( Polygonum chinense ) and Japanese Dock ( Rumex japonicus ) from the family Polygonaceae . Sapphires produce several generations each year. Adults emerge mainly in May. One of the most common butterfly species in the family Pieridae , they are easily seen in Taiwan 's mountains at elevations