簡介:" 枯葉蝶 Kallima inachis formosana,又名為樹葉蝶、木葉蝶,為大型的蝶類。本種的卵為綠色圓形且外觀具有縱刻紋;幼蟲末齡體色為黑色,具有紅色棘刺,幼蟲取食台灣鱗球花、台灣曲莖馬藍、賽山藍等植物;蛹為黑褐色的垂蛹;成蟲前翅端部有尖突,後翅之後緣與外緣間也有一尖突,前後翅合攏時形成似葉片的輪廓 。成蟲展翅寬為69-80毫米,翅背面之底色為深藍褐色,前翅具有寬大的橙黃色斑紋,翅腹面之形式 及顏色擬態成枯葉狀,而斑紋的顏色隨個體不同而有差異。成蟲飛行迅速,棲息於潮溼的森林裡,全年可見,但主要在 7-8月間可以見到最多數量。主要分布於臺灣低海拔地區。本種之描述主要參考引用徐堉峰 (1999) 及張永仁 (2005) 所發表之文獻內容。Kallima inachis formosanaIntroductionEndemic subspecies to Taiwan . The Dead Leaf is distributed in low-elevation mountains. The pattern and coloring of its wings varies with individual. It resembles a dry leaf when folded. Larvae feed on Lepidagathis formosensis , Strobilanthes flexicaulis , and Blechum pyramidatum . Adults live in humid forests with dense canopy. A fast-flying species, the Dead Leaf is most often seen in summer, but can be found year round. "