簡介:鸞褐挵蝶 Burara jaina formosana, 為大型挵蝶,展翅約達 4.5 公分,台灣地區的族群為特有亞種。分布於平地至海拔 2300 公尺左右之山地。幼蟲為單食性,食草為黃褥花科的猿尾藤。 本種生性機警、飛行又極為迅速,一遇干擾隨即飛離,不易接近觀察。有關本種之描述主要引用徐 (1999) 和李和王 (2002) 所發表之文獻內容。鸞褐挵蝶簡介Introduction Burara jaina formosanaEndemic subspecies to Taiwan . A large butterfly in the skipper family Hesperiidae , the reddish-orange background and rib-like veins of Orange-striped Awl's are unique compared to other species of the same family in Taiwan . Males have a sex character, a black brush , on center of their dorsal forewings that distinguishes them from females. Larvae feed on Bengal hiptage ( Hiptage Hiptage benghalensis , family Malpighiaceae) . Distributed from lowlands to 2,300 meters in elevation, Orange-striped Awls produce several generations each year . Except in winter, when they overwinter in larval form, adults are found year round.