簡介:"IntroductionAtrophaneura horishanaThe Aurora swallowtail butterfly, Atrophaneura horishana Matsumura, is a large butterfly species endemic to Taiwan. The species was so common that it was once extensively used as material in butterfly industry in the 1960s. The habitat loss owing to fruit or vegetable cultivation in highlands in the 1970s and 80s has resulted in a decline of the species. It is now listed as a protected species by Taiwan government. The wings of the males are blue-black in ground coloration with large and vivid pink markings in ventral apical half of the hind wings. Females have a grayish brown ground coloration with pale pink markings. The species is univoltine. Its larvae feed on several Aristolochia species. The adults appear mainly in July to September, and usually visit flowers together or fly on tree canopies. They live in mountain areas of 1000-2500 meters high in the Central Mountain Range. 曙鳳蝶 Atrophaneura horishana 為台灣特有種,目前為行政院農委會公告之保育類野生動物第二類「珍貴稀有野生動物」,屬大型鳳蝶類。雄蝶翅底色均為藍黑色,後翅內緣反摺內有白色性毛;雌蝶翅底色則為黃灰色,體型較雄蝶大。 本種一年一世代,幼蟲以大葉馬兜鈴、異葉馬兜鈴和港口馬兜鈴等為食,成蟲主要發生期為 7~9 月,常成群訪花吸蜜或於樹冠層上飛翔。主要分布於中央山脈海拔 1000~2500 公尺之山地。有關本種之描述主要引用李和王 (1990、2002)、徐 (1999) 及顏和楊 (2000) 所發表之文獻內容。"