簡介:" 枯球蘿紋蛾Brahmaea wallichii insulata為台灣本科之唯一一種。夜行性,具有趨光性。雌雄的外觀頗相似,雌蛾前翅頂角較雄蛾呈弧形較圓,腹部末端缺少一圈黃褐色毛環,頭頂至頸部有黑色毛,觸角間淡黃褐色毛明顯。前翅基部至中線、外線至外緣監後半、後翅外半有籮筐條紋密佈。前翅中央順翅脈有黑色點狀紋,兩側框波狀黑線,靠後緣有一枯球紋,中央黑點2~4個,左右常呈不同數。後翅基部至後緣有黃褐黑色長毛相間,基部至後翅中央弧狀界限內密佈黑色絨毛,基部附近色淡。老熟幼蟲鑽入土中化蛹。寄主植物為梣Fraxinus japonica、水蠟樹Ligustrum ibota、女貞Ligustrum japonicum、木犀Osmanthus asiaticus、柊O. ilicifolius。本種描述主要引用Inoue(1984)及張保信(1989)文獻之內容。InsectsButterfliesBrahmaea wallichii insulata蝶枯球籮紋蝶簡介Brahmaea wallichii insulata is the only species of this family in Taiwan. The appearances of male and female moths are similar. The adults have a wingspan of 129~152 mm. Adults are nocturnal and phototaxic. The larvae mainly feed on plants from the Oleaceae family such as Fraxinus japonica, Ligustrum ibota, Ligustrum japonicum, Osmanthus asiaticus, and O. ilicifolius. Mature larvae pupate underground. Emergence occurs in March-April, June-August and mid-October. The “holy butterfly,” which in fact is Brahmaea wallichii insulata, appears every March 3 (lunar calendar) on the birthday of the Heavenly Emperor at the Shoujhen temple on Alishan, boding the festive celebration. The phenomenon, according to studies, results from the abundance of Oleaceae plants around the temple and the coincidence of its breeding season during the period. The adults are attracted to the light and the incense from the temple and make the “holy appearance.” The subspecies is distributed in Yunnan, Sichuan, Hubei, and Taiwan. In Taiwan, it can be seen in Yanmingshan, Wulai, Shangbaling (Northern Cross-Island Highway), Chituan, Kwanwu, Wuchishan, Beipu (Waiping Village), Wushe, Lushan, Meifeng, Shengmu, Alishan, Fenchihu, Shanping, and Shiashan."