簡介:"Head and thorax of Asidemia albovitta are dark chocolate-brown, palpi, frons, collar and mesothorax marked with ochreous-brownish hairs. Abdomen more grayish, dorsal crest strong, dark brown Male antenna filiform; and female antenna slightly finer. Forewing rather broad, with apex pointed; outer margin finely crenulate. Ground colour dark chocolate-brown with intense bronze shining; upper part of medial and marginal areas irrorated with ochreous-grey scales; veins also grayish. Hindwing ochreous, inner area irrorated, wide marginal field suffused strongly with dark cupreous brown; veins darker, discal spot and transverse line obsolescent.The new species is very similar externally to A. inexpecta (Sugi, 1963), A. albovitta and A. inexpecta can be distinguished mostly by the features of the genitalia. The description of this species based on the description of Hreblay and Ronaky (2000). Asidemia albovitta的頭部及胸部為深巧克力棕色,小顎鬚、額區、領節及中胸上有赭棕色的毛。腹部呈灰色,背面的飾毛堅硬、呈深棕色。雄蟲觸角為絲狀,雌蟲觸角較細。本種前翅很寬,端部變尖(頂角為尖狀),翅外緣為細微之細齒狀。前翅之底色為深巧克力棕色,並帶有強烈的青銅色光澤,在翅中央上方及翅緣處具有赭灰色鱗片形成之斑點,翅脈亦呈灰色。後翅為赭色,內側區域具有斑點,翅的邊緣具很寬的深銅棕色區域,翅脈為黑色,盤狀斑點及橫線不明顯。本種外觀上與 A. inexpecta(Sugi, 1963)極為類似,兩者主要可以生殖器特徵進行區辨。 本種之描述主要引用Hreblay and Ronaky (2000)發表之原始文獻。 "
學名原始發表文獻:Hreblay M. and L. Ronkay. 2000. New Noctuidae species and subspecies from Taiwan and the adjacent areas II (Lepidoptera). Ins. Koreana 17(1/2): 1-38.