簡介:" 田中烏小灰蝶 Satyrium tanakai 為台灣特有種。翅膀背面的底色為黑褐色,其上並無斑紋。雄蝶的前翅中室上方有長橢圓形的性徵,後翅有二對尾狀突起,但第三脈端者極短。雌蝶的第三脈端之尾狀突起稍長。本種翅膀腹面呈深褐色,前後翅中央有細而明顯的白條,白條呈強烈彎曲,是相當重要的識別特徵。本種敘述主要引用徐堉峰,2002、白水隆,1943、白水隆,1960及濱野榮次,1987發表之文獻。 InsectsButterfliesSatyrium tanakai 蝶田中烏小灰蝶簡介Satyrium tanakai is endemic to Taiwan. The dorsal side of the wings is blackish brown without stripes. A long elliptical sex patch appears above the median cell of the forewings in males. Two tail-like projections form at the hindwings and the projection on the apex of the 3rd vein is very short in males but a bit longer in females. The ventral side of the wings is dark-brown. Thin, distinct and strongly curvy white strips appear in the middle of the forewings and hindwings as its characristic feature. The description here is mostly cited from Hsu (2002), Shirozu (1943), Shirozu (1960) and Hamano (1987). The larvae of this species feed on plants from Aceraceae family, including Acer albopurpurascens. One generation per year. Eggs hibernate over the winter. The adults appear from April to June. It inhabits in the area south to Taipei basin but north of central Taiwan at elevations between 400 and 2000m. This species have been recorded from Lalashan, Ronhua, Baling, Chihduan, Lienhuachih in Taiwan."