簡介:"Pythamus chiabaotawow 體色為黑色;頭頂沿著單眼處具一對黃棕色斑點;單眼赭色;顏面基部乳黃色;小楯板後端乳白色;腹部末端由腹面觀為黃色;前翅黑色,具乳黃色條紋。本種與本屬Pythamus其他種不同處在於在頭頂中央具瘤狀突起,且中央脊起從頭頂開始到達前胸背板。截至目前為止,本種之寄主植物及相關生物學資料仍未知。本種敘述引用黃坤煒 (1992) 之文獻。General color of Pythamus chiabaotawow black; vertex with a pair of yellow- brown spots around ocelli; ocelli ochreous; face milky yellow at base; scutellum milky posteriorly; end of abdomen yellow in ventral aspect; tegmen black, with milky yellow stripes. This species differs from other Pythamus species by its tubercular process in the middle of the vertex, and the median carina extending from the vertex to the pronotum. So far, the biological information and host plant of this species is still unknown. The description of this species based on the description of Huang (1992). "
學名原始發表文獻:Huang, K. W. 1992. Taxonomy of Evacanthini of Taiwan (Homoptera: Cicadellidae: Cicadellinae). Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci. 3: 159-185.