簡介:"縱帶擬錐頭葉蟬Onukiades longitudinalis 體色為赭色,頭頂在前方具黑色斑紋;顏面具兩對黑色斑紋,一對在基部,另一對在中央接近側額縫處;前胸背板和小楯板側緣具黑色縱帶;前翅金色,在端部棕色,在接近前緣室之前緣為橘色。本種與 O. formosana (Matsumura) 之差異在於頭頂上的斑紋,尾端節的突起,和陰莖上近端部之突起之不同。截至目前為止,本種之寄主植物及相關生物學資料仍未知。本種敘述引用黃坤煒 (1992) 之文獻。General color of Onukiades longitudinalis ochreous, vertex with black mark on anterior portion; face with two pairs of black marks, one pair at base, another medially near lateral frontal sutures; lateral margins of pronotum and scutellum with longitudinal black band; tegmen golden, brown apically, orange on anterior margin around costal cell. This new species differs from O. formosana (Matsumura) in the marks on the vertex, the process on the pygofer, and the subapical processes on the aedeagus. So far, the biological information and host plant of this species is still unknown. The description of this species based on the description of Huang (1992)."
學名原始發表文獻:Huang, Kun-Wei. 1992. Taxonomy of Evacanthini of Taiwan (Homoptera: Cicadellidae: Cicadellinae). Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci. 3: 159-185.