簡介:"YamiCentral pillarEthnology雅美中柱原住民民族誌標本The middle pillar used in Yami houses were passed down generation to generation and represented the support of the house spirit. They were also called clan pillars, relative pillars and main pillars. Great care was taken are every stage of the middle pillar's life, from collecting the materials to disposal when it could no longer be used. A lucky day had to be chosen for collecting, transporting, shaving, shaping and carving. A variety of religious rites, including sacrifices would be carried out. Pillars that were passed down through the generations and were no longer fit for use could not be casually thrown away or used as firewood. A natural spot had to be chosen for it to be discarded to naturally rot away.中柱雅美族家屋所使用的中柱,是代代繼承而來的,為家屋中靈魂支柱的象徵,故又稱之為宗柱、親柱或主柱。 中柱從新製的取材到不堪使用後的處置,每一步驟都極為慎重:取材、搬運、刨製、造型與雕刻安置都必須挑選吉日,並按部就班的進行各項供牲與祈求的宗教性儀式;經過代代繼承後不堪使用的中柱,亦不可任意棄置或劈為柴薪之用,必須慎選一處置放直至自然腐化。"