簡介:"掘芋禮杖 掘芋禮杖是雅美族婦女籌辦進行家屋落成、拼板舟下水儀式等所必須的儀式用具。 雅美族以種植水芋為主,亦以水芋為主要食物與祭儀貢品。雅美族婦女必須穿著正式的傳統禮服、手持禮杖,才可籌辦禮芋的收成,及參與進行各項儀式、祈禱。YamiCeremon Ethnology雅美掘芋禮杖原住民民族誌標本The tarot harvest ceremonial rod was used in ceremonies by women when new homes were completed or when new canoes were launched. Water tarot were an important food source and sacrificial item for the Yami. Yami women had to wear traditional formal attire and pray holding the rod before the tarot harvest could be carried out and they would also use the rods in various kinds of other ceremony."