簡介:"陶壺 魯凱族的物質文化可能因為地緣的關係,與北排灣的十分相似,對陶壺所產生的信仰文化與階級象徵亦然。 魯凱族也有類似排灣族的「陶生」傳說,百步蛇亦為魯凱族人之祖先,故壺肩飾有百步蛇與乳狀突起的古陶壺,是盛裝琉璃珠、供祭拜的尊貴神器,僅少數頭目或貴族才有,外人嚴禁觸碰;其次,僅有百步蛇浮雕之陶壺亦為彰顯頭目或貴族地位的神聖尊貴寶物;再者為飾有陰刻之菱形紋、三角紋與同心圓紋飾之古陶壺,也是頭目或貴族家中極為神聖的器物。 魯凱族是父系社會,古陶壺由長子繼承,分家時亦會敲下口緣一角交由次子等作為家族信物。RukaiCeramic potsEthnology魯凱陶壺原住民民族誌標本Because of their geographical proximity the material culture of the Rukai was very similar to that of the Northern Paiwan and so was the religious and symbolic significance of ceramics. The Rukai had the “born from a pot” belief and the Deinagkistrodon acutus is also believed by the Rukai to be their ancestor, so the old pots that had Deinagkistrodon acutus patterns on the shoulder were precious items used to hold azure stone beads used in worship, that could only be owned by chiefs and aristocrats. Ordinary people were prevented from touching such pots. Pots with jut Deinagkistrodon acutus pattern were also sacred and precious. Pots with diamond, triangular and circular pattern etc were also scared items reserved for chiefs and the social elite. Rukai society was patriarchal. Old family ceramic pots were inherited by the eldest son. When property of a deceased father was divided the other second son would be given a piece from the pot rim as the family worship item."