簡介:"漁網 漁網,是臺灣原住民從事漁撈的常見用具,依據捕撈的魚種、方式、地點與規模等,而發展出各式多樣的捕撈網具。 阿美族與雅美族是漁撈活動最盛的臺灣原住民,其需要與規模最大,各式漁具皆是其重要的生產用具;排灣、魯凱等族因居處高地,溪河短而湍急、漁產較少,故其捕撈作業規模也較小,漁獲以溪河之中小型魚蝦蟹類為主。RukaiIntroductionFishing netsFishing nets were commonly used by Taiwan’s indigenous peoples. Different types of fishing nets were produced, depending on the species of fish to be caught, the fishing methods, and location and scale of fishing.The Amis and Yami tribes are the most proficient at fishing among Taiwan’s indigenous tribes and produce nets for large-scale fishing. The Paiwan and Rukai tribes inhabit mountainous areas with short and rapid rivers and streams that produce smaller quantities of fish. Thus, the scale of fishing carried out by these tribes is much smaller with fish traps used to catch freshwater fish, shrimp and crabs."