簡介:" 排灣族貴族與平民的裝扮有很明顯的差別,琉璃珠、子安貝、瓷釦、豹牙、鷹羽、人形或百步蛇紋等,只限於頭目或貴族才能使用,肩帶即是一例。 肩帶為男女均用的飾品,是以棉、麻或毛線織成的一條長條形帶子。肩帶的裝飾多樣,有子安貝、鸚鵡螺、白瓷扣或瑪瑙為主,搭配彩色小琉璃珠綴飾,或以銀鎖鍊串接銅、銀等金屬片而成,皆是用以炫耀財富與地位的裝飾。 PaiwanShoulder strap Ethnology原住民民族誌標本排灣肩帶The attire of Paiwan aristocrats and ordinary people was clearly different. Glass beads, ceramic buttons, leopard teeth, eagle feather, human figure and Deinagkistrodon acutus patterns were exclusive to chief or aristocrats. The decorative shoulder strap was an item exclusive to the elite. Paiwan shoulder straps were decorated in various ways, featuring rare shells, white ceramic buttons, bronze coins and bronze strips, all meant to display wealth and position."