簡介:"Amis-Fish basket -Ethnology-原住民-民族誌-標本-阿美-漁簍F ishing was second only to farming in importance for the Amis and was men's work. The Amis who lived on either side of the mountain range on Taiwan's east coast had two fishing methods1. The communities to the east engaged in sea fishing mainly 2. The people to the west mainly in streams and rivers. The traps were used mainly for coastal and river/stream fishing. 捕魚是阿美族僅次於農業的生產活動,也是男子的工作,在東部海岸山脈兩側的阿美族捕魚的方法主要有兩大類:1.海岸山脈東邊的海岸部落以海上捕魚為主。2.海岸西側的部落則以河溪捕魚為主。漁簍主要是用沿岸及河溪捕魚之用。 "