簡介:" 阿美族的基本生業有農業、狩獵、漁撈、採集、飼養,其中以農耕為最重要。傳統農耕為旱田燒墾,但因地處平原,很早便接受漢人的農業技術,實施灌溉,廣行牛耕之水田耕作。木耙為耕作農具之一,以木頭或竹製成,用以耙鬆泥土以利種植作物。 AmisWooden harrowIntroductionThe major traditional livelihoods of the Amis tribe were agriculture, hunting, fishing, gathering and animal husbandry. Among them, agriculture was the most important. Slash-and-burn cultivation was the major cultivation method. However, as much of the land that they inhabited was flat and due to their early interaction with ?non-indigenous farmers, the Amis began to incorporate irrigation and paddy rice cultivation methods. The harrow, made from wood or bamboo, was used to loosen the topsoil for the planting of crops."