簡介:" 昔日泰雅族的交通運輸,因受生活環境影響,無論農作物或所獵獲物的運搬,皆靠原始的人力搬運。運搬工具以背籃、負薪架、背網及竹筒為主;運搬方式一般以頭頂和背負最為普遍。 背籃是泰雅族常使用的運搬工具之一,以籐篾為材,採螺旋編法編成,主要用於運搬農作物或獵物為主。 因器物的製作方式及兩性的分工,所以男女運搬的方法不同,一般男子用雙肩背負,所使用的背籃較大,有兩條背帶;女子使用的較小,只有一條背帶,置於額頭上背負。Atayal-Back basket-Ethnology-原住民-民族誌-標本-泰雅-背籃W oven objects were a part of everyday life for Taiwan's aborigines in the past. By use they can be divided into transportation baskets, hand carried baskets, storage baskets, fishing baskets, funnel shaped bamboo implements head wear and rain wear. Woven baskets were woven items used for transporting goods. In the past, the Saisiat tribe's back baskets were speaker shaped, shaped like a round tube with a round opening at the top. Using a diagonal weaving method, the weave was tight. Today, most back baskets are made using the hexagonal cage work weaving method and were developed from the Atayal back basket. Now they use plastic as the main material. The special feature of the Saisiat back basket is that it has two backstraps and the weight of the load is borne by the shoulders, different to the Atayal and Pingpu baskets that had a head strap and bore the weight on the user's head."