簡介:" 硝藥籃為泰雅男子打獵或外出工作時,用以盛裝隨身攜帶日常物品的器具。主要以籐篾編織而成,為一上下相套的袋狀方形盒。 有些地區狩獵或作戰時用以盛裝火藥,有些地區則作為外出工作或打獵時的盛食器,也有地區亦作為攜帶煙草的煙草盒。Atayal-Gunpowder basket-Ethnology-原住民-民族誌-標本-泰雅-硝藥籃T he saltpetre box was used by Atayal men to carry the items they needed to use when out hunting or working. They were square one-on-top-of-the-other boxes made from rattan strip. In some places they were used to carry gunpowder when going to battle or hunting and, in others, they were used to carry food.In other places they were used to carry tobacco."