簡介:"白沙屯媽進香 待時辰到,住持手持長杓,將香灰舀入火缸之中。刈火完畢,火缸被放入香擔裡面,關閉櫃門,由住持在香擔外面貼上符紙,以確保刈火所獲得的靈力不會散逸。隨後香擔立即過火,廟方人員遞傳通過天公爐至廟外。頭旗則在廟門邊準備出發,依序迎請山邊媽祖、白沙屯媽祖登轎,行三進三退禮後,正式踏上歸途。 Baishatun MatsuPilgrimageIn general, the abbot of the Chaotian Temple will preside upon the yi huo ritual at midnight. At the ceremony, temple staff will set a fire in the Fire pot with charcoals and joss papers and put the fire pot on the altar. After dropping down a lamp (which is, an oil lamp for bringing good luck) from the temple roof, the abbot will light up a fire with the joss paper, put it in the ten-thousand-year burner, and begin reading the prayer memorial. The on-duty burner head of the year will continue to put joss papers in the burner. After finishing reading the prayer memorial, the abbot will put the prayer memorial in the ten-thousand-year burner. Also, temple officials and local burner heads will read the prayer memorial in their hands and put these prayer memorials in the burner afterwards. In doing so, they pray to Matsu to protect the pilgrims.白沙屯媽進香 通常在子時由朝天宮的住持法師主持。廟方人員以木炭、金紙在火缸起火後,將火缸放置在神案處。廟頂的元辰燈降下,住持以金紙引火,放置於萬年香爐內,誦唸疏文,在旁的值年爐主不斷添入金紙。住持宣讀疏文後放入萬年香爐內,廟方委員及地方頭人也各自宣讀手上的疏文,宣讀後並將疏文遞至香爐中焚燒,請媽祖保佑這些香客。 "