簡介:"大甲媽進香 另外,當天下午,參加進香或送駕的隊伍,如陣頭、其他宮廟、神明會等,會陸續抵達廟裡進行拜廟。晚間時分,頭香、貳香、參香、贊香也會依序向媽祖朝拜,準備出發。 大甲媽進香 透過誦經以及讀疏文,向媽祖報告今年度遶境的相關事宜,祈求媽祖在遶境進香這段期間,保佑隨行的進香團隊與沿途信眾一路平安。在出發前一天的下午吉時(一般通常是下午三點),迎出正爐媽、副爐媽、湄州媽三尊神像,千里眼、順風耳兩位神將,以及代天巡狩令、大印、令旗、五營旗、香爐等重要法器之後進行。 Dajia MatsuPilgrimagePeace Praying CeremonyThe agenda of the annual pilgrimage is reported to Matsu through reciting sutras and the prayer memorials, praying for the peace of pilgrims and believers joining the pilgrimage. The ceremony is usually held at an auspicious hour (3 p.m. in general) one day before the departure. Also in that afternoon, pilgrim groups participating in the incense offering or seeing off Matsu will arrive at the temple for the ceremony. These include parades, believers from other temples, and deity worship associations. When night falls, the first, second, third and last ritual groups will worship Matsu one after another and prepare for departure. "