簡介:媽祖媽祖的外觀形貌一般區分為少婦造型與中(老)年婦女造型。少婦造型所呈現的媽祖,在臉形、身軀上都比較纖瘦,一般認為這是媽祖年輕得道時的樣貌;從湄州祖廟迎奉過來的媽祖神像,亦有此類特徵。中(老)年婦女造型的媽祖,在臉形和身軀上都比較豐腴,在台灣各地也比較常見,反映出台灣人心目中的媽祖偏向是母親的角色,略微發福而顧養眾生。媽祖普遍來說,媽祖造像華貴而端莊、既從容又靜謐,一者投射出民間社會對女性特質的想像,二者也反映出官方封詔的尊貴地位。從媽祖的造型上可以看到,祂既有天朝帝后之姿,也同時富含母性的關懷象徵。MazuReligious StatuesIntroductionMazu statues are generally made to look like a young or middle-aged woman. The younger version of Mazu tends to be slimmer in the face and body as this is thought to be what Mazu looked like in her youth. Mazu statues originating from the Meizhou Ancestral Temple also show these characteristics. Mazu as a middle-aged woman tends to be fuller in the face and body. This is the most common style in Taiwan and reflects how Mazu is seen as a nurturing mother figure by the Taiwanese people. MazuReligious StatuesIntroductionMazu statues are generally ornate and refined with a relaxed, tranquil expression. This expression reflects what society considers is the female virtue as well as her exalted official rank. It is possible to discern in the design of Mazu that she is both an empress in the heavenly pantheon as well as a caring mother.